Caring Unlimited

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Action alert for survivors: submit your written testimony to help fight catastrophic budget cuts

Caring Unlimited needs your help to ensure we don't experience catastrophic budget cuts to our programs and services. 

Due to recent changes at the federal level, Maine VOCA (Victims of Crime Act) funding will be slashed drastically next year and for future years. This funding supports a range of victim services across the state. These cuts will have a devastating impact on domestic violence services across the state, our network will lose $3,000,000 per year. Caring Unlimited stands to lose about $300,000 to support vital advocacy services. The legislature can act to replace these funds with state dollars by approving the emergency bill, LD 2084, and including them in the state's budget.    

We are looking for people who have used Caring Unlimited’s services or can speak to the vital importance of our work to advocate for the passage of this bill. We are asking people who have used our services and feel safe sharing their story to write a statement about how our advocacy services helped you, the impact CU services had on your life, and what was possible because of the help you received. Without immediate response, we risk losing critical funding and limiting our ability to serve survivors in the future. Your story is powerful and sharing your experiences with lawmakers can make a difference. 

Please submit your written testimony as soon as possible. There is also an opportunity for people who are interested to speak in Augusta directly to the committee who would be deciding whether to move this bill forward on Tuesday, January 23rd in Augusta. Caring Unlimited can help with the cost of transportation for people who speak in person. Speaking in person, also known as giving oral testimony, must be less than 3 minutes long, but a written statement can be any length. Both could be incredibly powerful and help us to maintain funding. 

If you would like to submit written testimony, please use the following template. Add your name and the date in the brackets below and write your own thoughts and experience. Please email your completed written testimony to in the body of an email or submit your testimony using the form below. We may contact you for clarification or if we have any questions. If you are interested in speaking, please connect directly with Julia as soon as possible.    

Thank you for your important advocacy on this bill.  

Template for Written Testimony

Testimony of [Your Name] 

In Support of LD 2084, An Act to Provide Funding for Essential Services for Victims of Crime 

Before the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary 



Senator Carney, Representative Moonen, and distinguished members of the Judiciary Committee, my name is [your name], I am from [Your Town], and I am writing in support of LD 2084 and the need for funding to maintain essential victim services in Maine. 


Testimony narrative should include: 

· How did the services and supports from Caring Unlimited (and/or other VOCA funded programs) make a difference for you/your family? 

· If those services are reduced/missing due to the 60% funding cut, what do you think could have happened for you/your family, AND/OR what do you see as the impact for the survivors you now work with?