"In My Shoes": Caring Unlimited welcomes survivors to join art project

Using the format of projects created by A Window Between Worlds (AWBW), Caring Unlimited will work with survivors to transform trauma through art. This Winter, we will launch our first AWBW project, “In My Shoes.”

To find out more about the project, and to learn how to get involved, watch the video, How to Join “In My Shoes” Art Project with Caring Unlimited.

For many survivors, talking about domestic violence and the profound effect it has had on their lives can be difficult. Through art, however, survivors can find a safe way to explore their feelings and share their voices. 

Through decorating shoes and exploring where their feet have traveled, survivors are able to explore their own journeys through creative expression. Often left untold & unseen, these stories share the pain, courage and strength that survivors discovered in themselves as they escaped from domestic violence.  

Caring Unlimited hopes that by telling stories of the many journeys of survival, we will break the silence and help end the violence in our families and communities. We hope that each piece of art will help community members gain a greater understanding of how violence affects survivors & encourage them to consider their own role in working together to create a violence-free future.

For those in need of supplies, including shoes, or for any questions, please contact Clem or Eliza. We would be happy to mail out supplies to those that want to participate. 

Clem: (207)-490-3227 x120
Eliza: (207)-490-3227 x128

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